11:11 Bangle Bracelet
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11:11 Bangle Bracelet Brass Tone Petite


11:11 Bangle Bracelet Silver Tone Petite


11:11 Bangle Bracelet Silver Tone Regular


11:11 Bangle Bracelet Brass Tone Regular

If timing is everything, so is this fortuitous bangle. It displays the digits of 11:11, otherwise known as the most magical moment of the day. Close your eyes, make a wish, and make it part of your daily ritual.

Petite measures 6.5 in.

Regular measures 7.5 in

Product Details: 1027-P-MK009551

If timing is everything, so is this fortuitous bangle. It displays the digits of 11:11, otherwise known as the most magical moment of the day. Close your eyes, make a wish, and make it part of your daily ritual.

Petite measures 6.5 in.

Regular measures 7.5 in